My NOLA Life


Big Smile


That is what I call a Happy Face.

A Mardi Gras-lovin’, finally-a-sunny-day, all-is-right-with-the-world Happy Face!

I’ve been missing that face.  My plate is full and my cup runneth over, blah blah blah…all that real life stuff gets in the way.  I like the look of that face and think I’m going to work on getting it back.

Lovin' Mardi GrasI’m going to start by finding time to A: get on my bike after work most days, and B: be more productive in my studio.  Both good for my soul and my smile!  I hope to get this eternal, 3-years-long website project finished pronto, and free up that gray matter for creativity.

I’m hoping this little blog space of mine will help me be accountable to that wonderfully deep, truly appreciated gift of creativity that I have inside my soul.  It seems to play second-fiddle to real life far too often!